http://xdj7ku5uiilcaf4ovhxwj4elqmxkwuzzerv33upkxq6unumbszmck7ad.onion/contact.html contact tom[at]jamta[dot]xyz You may encrypt your message using my
public key. 1 If you would rather message me via
OMEMO ‐ encrypted XMPP,
DeltaChat, 2 Briar, 3 Session 4 or
Signal, 5 or if you would like a copy of my r é sum é /CV, leave me an
introduction along with your contact information in your email. I cannot guarantee that I ’ ll get back to you right away or at all, but I
will make an effort. If you ’ ve found my work useful and you ’ d like to support me, please
send 6...