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Алсо, вещание веб-камер, как ни странно, также ведётся в прямом эфире. Содержание 1 Суть 2 Что идет 2.1 Что обычно идёт в прямом эфире 2.2 Что обычно не идёт в прямом эфире 3 Курьёзы 3.1 Спортивные перлы 3.2 Радио 4 См. также Суть Особенностью прямого эфира является невозможность редактирования передаваемых данных, что не исключает определённой вероятности транслирования непредвиденного события — мальчика, посланного в жопу, слова « хуй » или голых сисек.
Stuff that happened during this chaotic hurricane of a contest: Notes and observations: Bribes were accepted from 10AM to 6PM on Friday and Saturday, with at 66 items received and recorded About 36 people bribed for a Lonely Hard Drive at least 30% of people bribed to take some other bribe from the wall Most bribes focused to the Black Badge Raffle TCG (BBRTCG) after we were given a few packs For 3 BBRTCG cards, we were bribed a PCI 2.2 Killer Network Ethernet card from an estate where a...
BoyChat From NewgonWiki Jump to navigation Jump to search Contents 1 Visiting BC 2 Community 2.1 Organization 2.2 Trolling 3 Boards of BoyChat 3.1 ChatHaven 3.2 MetaBoyChat 3.3 The Treehouse 3.4 YCDTOBC 3.5 OtherChat 4 BoyChat Digest 5 List of BoyChat webmasters 6 External links BoyChat board logo BoyChat (or BC) is the longest-running boylove forum on the World Wide Web.
Они также напоминают, что ограничен для использования не только фосфор, но и любые другие зажигательные боеприпасы «Статья 2.2 Протокола о запрещении или ограничении применения зажигательного оружия к Конвенции о конкретных видах обычного оружия полностью запрещает авиационные зажигательные боеприпасы в городской застройке, а статья 2.3 разрешает применение зажигательных боеприпасов по военным объектам, только если они четко отделены от гражданских», – пишут эксперты.
Compiling instructions From Bitmessage Wiki Jump to navigation Jump to search This page should help novice users run Bitmessage from the source code files. Contents 1 setuptools 2 Linux 2.1 Resolve dependencies 2.2 Download and run PyBitmessage 2.3 Upgrading 3 OS X 3.1 With Homebrew package manager 3.2 With macports package manager 4 Windows 4.1 If you change user interface files 4.2 Optional: Compile into a stand-alone EXE setuptools This is now the recommended and in most cases the...
Exploit Mitigations 2.1 Arbitrary Code Guard and Code Integrity Guard 2.2 Control Flow Integrity 2.3 Automatic Variable Initialization 2.4 Virtualization-based Security 3. Kernel 4. The Nonexistent Boundary of Root 5.
You consent to the collection and use of information as described in the Privacy Policy. 2.2 Suspension or termination of services MixTum.io reserves the right to suspend or terminate access to services at any time at its own discretion, with or without reasons, with or without notification assuming no responsibility whatsoever.
You consent to the collection and use of information as described in the Privacy Policy. 2.2 Suspension or termination of services Dream Mixer BTC reserves the right to suspend or terminate access to services at any time at its own discretion, with or without reasons, with or without notification assuming no responsibility whatsoever.
وأوضح أن تخفيض دعم الوقود في الأشهر الأخيرة وانخفاض قيمة الليرة السورية، أديا إلى مزيد من الضغوط التضخمية على تكلفة السلة الغذائية، مشيرا إلى أن سعر سلّة الحد الأدنى للإنفاق (مقياس لحساب التكلفة الأدنى لمعيشة أسرة مكونة من خمسة أفراد شهرياً) ارتفع للمرة الـ 14 على التوالي، ليصل إلى نحو 2.2 مليون ليرة سورية في سبتمبر الماضي، بينما تضاعفت تكاليف المعيشة تقريباً في الأشهر التسعة الأولى من عام 2023، وارتفعت أربعة أضعاف خلال عامين.
Sie erklären sich mit der Erfassung und Verwendung von Informationen, wie in der Datenschutzrichtlinie beschrieben, einverstanden. 2.2 Aussetzung oder Beendigung von Diensten Whir behält sich das Recht vor, den Zugang zu den Diensten jederzeit nach eigenem Ermessen, mit oder ohne Angabe von Gründen, mit oder ohne Benachrichtigung auszusetzen oder zu beenden und übernimmt dafür keinerlei Verantwortung.
You consent to the collection and use of information as described in the Privacy Policy. 2.2 Suspension or termination of services Jambler.io reserves the right to suspend or terminate access to services at any time at its own discretion, with or without reasons, with or without notification assuming no responsibility whatsoever.
Grant of Licence 2.1 The Licensor hereby grants to You a Non-Commercial, No-Endorsement, payment-free, non-exclusive licence for the duration of copyright in the Work to copy and/or Share the Work and/or create, copy and/or Share Derivative Works on any platform in any media. 2.2 HOWEVER the licence granted in Clause 2.1 is provided to You only if You: 2.2.1. make reference to this Licence (by URL/URI, spoken word or as appropriate to the media used) on all copies of the Work and/or...
미국도 다운받은 이용자를 추적해 180여명을 검거했으며, 독일과 영국 등에서도 수사가 진행됐다. 영국 인터넷감시재단(IWF)이 지난 2012년 각국의 온라인 아동음란물 실태를 조사한 결과, 한국(2.2%)은 미국(50%)·러시아(14.9%)·일본(11.7%)·스페인(8.8%)·태국(3.6%)에 이어 6번째 야동 생산국으로 집계됐다. 한국은 아동음란물 소지자를 1년 이하 징역 또는 2000만원 이하 벌금형에 처할 수 있는데, 다른 나라에 비하면 약하다.
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WWF says it has planted about 20 million fast-growing trees since 2007 for charcoal and carpentry, but this has reduced deforestation rates in Virunga by just 2.2%. Powerful officials have interests in the charcoal trade continuing in DRC, a country battered by brutal colonisation resulting in decades of conflict, and corrupt politicians who have used its mineral wealth as personal piggy banks.
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그런데 메사추세츠 대학의 박사과정 연구원들이 이 논문을 자세히 분석해 본 결과 스프레드시트(엑셀)에 잘못된 데이터를 입력해 계산하였음이 밝혀졌고 제대로 된 데이터를 넣어 계산한 결과 부채비율이 90%를 넘어도 경제성장률은 +2.2%가 나왔다. 이 사건으로 유로존은 잘못된 데이터를 들고 긴축정책을 강요하여 유럽의 경제를 자폭시켜버린 역대급 실책을 저지른 꼴 [* 정책적인 긴축재정은 당연히 경제를 위축시킨다 .]이 되었으며 폴 크루그먼 교수는 이를 엑셀발 불황(The Excel Depression)이라며 비꼬았다.[* Paul Krugman, 2013-04-18. [ [9] ]] 이에 대해 저자인 케네스 로고프와 칼 라인하르트는 엑셀 오류는 인정하였으나, 전체적인 주장은 변함이 없다고 언급하였다.