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TOR VERIFIED LIST OF VERIFIED TOR SHOPS Hi! I'm Tiko aka "5eaker001" ! Everybody in TOR knows me for being a curious boy who tests EACH shop in the deepweb. Yes, I do test every single seller in TOR and this is the list of legit stores that I've being making for the last 6 years.
"ຂ້າ​ພະ​ເຈົ້າບໍ່ຄິດ​ດອກວ່າ ມັນ​ໜ້າຈະມີຄາດຫວັງຫລາຍ​ຢ່າງວ່າ ພວກເຮົາຈະໄດ້ເຫັນຄວາມກ້າວຫນ້າຫຍັງຫຼາຍ ສໍາລັບການເດີນທາງຄັ້ງ​ນີ້,” ນັ້ນ​ຄື​ຄຳ​ເວົ້າ​ຂອງທ່ານ ຈູດ ແບ​ລນ​ແຊັດ (Jude Blanchette), ປະທານໂຄງ​ການ Freeman ໃນການສຶກສາກ່ຽວ​ກັບຈີນ ທີ່ສູນສຶກ​ສາດ້ານ​ຍຸດທະສາດ ແລະສາກົນ (CSIS) ທີ່ຕັ້ງຢູ່ນະ​ຄອນ​ຫຼ​ວງ ວໍຊິງຕັນ. ທ່ານ ແບ​ລນ​ແຊັດ (Blanchette) ກ່າວຕໍ່ບັນດານັກຂ່າວໃນຂະ​ນະ​ທີ່ຖະ​ແຫລງ​ຂ່າວທາງໂທລະສັບ ໃນຕອນແລງວັນຈັນຜ່ານ​ມາວ່າ "ຂ້າ​ພະ​ເຈົ້າກໍ່ບໍ່ຄິດອີກວ່າ ນັ້ນ ຈະເປັນການບໍ່ດີ, ເພາະວ່າ ສາຍສຳພັນໄດ້ຊຸດໂຊມລົງ ໃນໄລຍະ 5...
B Beavis and Butt-head C Candlejack Chin-chan Crazy Frog D Deadpool Duke Nukem 3D E Ellen Feiss G Goddess Bunny H Happycat Hitman L Leeroy Jenkins Lenore, the Cute Little Dead Girl M Max Payne Mr. Freeman Mr. Hands P Peacedoorball Punisher Q QRBG121-тян R Rockman S Sinfest Slenderman T Twixt W Winged Doom X Xbox 360 Kid Z Zoomjap Æ Æon Flux А Авраам Болеслав Покой Айрис Алина 666 Алиса Селезнёва Аска Лэнгли Сорью Аю Б Бармаглот Бендер Бобёр-извращенец Большой Тылль Бэтмен В Ватник Верданди...
., CBDC. Doing this will increase the proceeds from creating money, aka, seigniorage, earned by the bank. Examples of CBDC China and Digital Yuan. Bank of Thailand’s and Project Inthanon. The Marshall Islands and Marshallese sovereign (SOV).
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Sleek Code As a rule of thumb: When comparing solutions to a problem the solution that makes the least assumption is usually better (aka. Occam’s razor). This reasoning leads to: Less code is usually better. I often rework or even rewrite my software until it does exactly what I expect it to do and looks like I want it to.
Before joining MSR in 2008, Stefan spent three years as an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto, and four months at Amazon.com as a visiting researcher where he worked on the early designs of their new shopping cart system (aka Dynamo). Stefan is an ACM Distinguished Member. TOP University of Waterloo University of Waterloo 43.471468 -80.544205 David R.
Regular Buyer counto 19/10/2021 PLAYSTATION 5 hello good item.Ty im going play new FarCry Regular Buyer nebastian 01/09/2021 PLAYSTATION 5 Best console ever better than Xbox aka gay box. Stop Game love! New Buyer Crocodile Dundee 11/08/2021 PLAYSTATION 5 I added the item to the cart and then a long time messed with my wallet. eventually I paid. but the unfortunate thing is that the seller contacted me and informed me that my item was out. 3 days later I got a refund.
26 0 278 This is very nice. 21 4 309 Christmas Homes From My Mother's Car. 55 5 782 Acrocinus Longimanus aka Harlequin Beetle. 38 2 275 Earl is sleepy. 52 6 351 Snow in Staten Island. 23 1 1469 Earl Sleeping before I have to get up to make dinner. 69 12 1831 For Fuck's Sake 36 44 1624 Origami Christmas Tree 15 0 825 2024 Nostalgia Train. 18 5 1046 Earl was a very good boy for Santa 28 1 944 Diddy party shopping list. 36 15 1675 So I'm at my Grandmother's funeral 22 6 1243 Have you ever...
Part 1 Dorst  – Vertaling van Thirst By Debonair Mb – cons anal oral 4,000 words (8 pages) Liked by 9 readers 1358 readers total, 0 this week Publ. 21 Mar 2021   Een man raakt verstrikt in de vreemde gebeurtenissen in een geïsoleerd ziekenhuis. Part 1 Een Grand Tour in 1928 By Bill aka Storyguy Mb Mt tb MM – oral anal mast rim – prost spank ws 45,000 words (90 pages) Liked by 4 readers 1436 readers total, 11 this week Publ. 01 Nov 2008   Ainsley Montgomery, een jonge man van in de twintig,...
Winning Team Members: hackajar, PacketBaron, Holly, Richie & Jake503 +    DEF CON 13 Black Badges Cannonball Run Winner: Gizm0 Capture the Flag Winner: Shellphish Members: parity, Atlas Hacker Jeopardy Winner: Jennifer Bennett, JMK Program Cover Photo Winner: John D Robot Warz Winners: Team Florida Scavenger Hunt Winners: Timmy Needs a Liver Members: Siviak, TwinVega, Cereal, ck3k WarDrive Winner: Preset Kill Limit T-Shirt Design Contest NAK ("defcon (dumpster) dive team" ) +    DEF CON 12 Black Badges...
., Flintser, Frank Sinatra, General, Hippie, Hot Dog Vendor, Humphrey Bogart, Hydrant, Internet Nerd, Ishmael, Jim Morrison, Keanu Reeves, King #3, Lew-Lew, Male Date, Michael Jordan, Morgan Freeman, Mr. Jenkins, Muttermouth, Newstand Owner, Norman Feinman, Pie Eating Man, Prince of Props, Reporter #1, Richard Nixon, Rick Blaine, Rock Singers, Rocket Rat, Santa Claus, Santa Claus (Jingle Boo), Schnitzel, Sheggy, Singer, Skipper, Stagehand, The Prince, The Skipper, Tom Dover, Trudy's...
Cum a câștigat Călin Georgescu la Putna, în primul tur al prezidențialelor anulate din România Mărturiile lui Bogdan Peșchir aka „bogpr”, unul dintre donatorii de pe TikTok din campania lui Călin Georgescu „Regele TikTok” din România, implicat într-o schemă de promovare a lui Călin Georgescu Icoane și nostalgii comuniste transformate în propagandă pentru Călin Georgescu.
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Like I met tatica only after 8 years of IRC chat during Flock 2013, there were too many other Fedora developers whom I met for the first time in a single conference. Same thing happened in PyCon 2013 where I suddenly found Yhg1s aka Thomas Wouters. I don’t know how many times he helped me over IRC before, and there suddenly I met him in the conference. In my current job, most of the meetings happen over IRC only.
Natural selection doesn't work fast enough. 2 years ago | thumb_up 3 thumb_down 0 nomorehate Try driving around the "snowbirds" aka retired Floridians who escape the summer heat and come to the NC mountains. 2 years ago | thumb_up 3 thumb_down 0 visibility Privacy code Source Code
Maranatha!» Mal ernsthaft: Was haben Eure Durchlaucht denn von Nazis aka «Blogger der freien Medien» anderes erwartet? Nachtrag vom 5.5.2022 Konnte das Bekenntnis zum Rechtsextremismus der NachDenkSeiten aus dem Artikel von Michael van Laack noch als Fremdzuschreibung gelesen werden, publiziert NachDenkSeiten-Redaktor Jens Berger 3 nun hochoffiziell 4 auf den offiziell rechtsextremen PI-NEWS .
Other thoughts test on 2021-09-07,03:03:19 said: I dont want to write this twice and dont know your last name, is it " thoughts " Random Name on 2021-09-07,03:14:38 said: With IPv6 you get an entire /64 block assigned to you, -on v4 you get /32 aka just 1,- websites and servers will usualy -and kinda recommendedly- block your entire /64 block of ips. Your ISP probobly has other ways of monitoring you, for instance my ISPs ' router comes with a backdoor.
12 had a long discussion about 144 at this week's LS2 meeting: tini2p/meta#23 getting closer to a solid spec there, though there is still quite a bit to get done / come to consensus on more updates to 152, and got rid of Blowfish: https://gitlab.com/snippets/1878282 tini2p basically, instead of using Blowfish for nonce encryption, tunnel gateways will keep a nonce counter they advance the counter for every set of tunnel messages, concatenate the counter to the random tunnelNonce, and participants use the...
Rules Posts with the following content (or links to such content) will be deleted: sharing CP (including fictional one) or asking to share CP, human trafficking, selling drugs, guns Posts with the following content might be deleted: a huge number of posts created automatically in a short period of time aka wipe posts created with intention to disrupt communication between other users Markup **bold** bold //italic// italic `mono` mono ~~strikethrough~~ strikethrough...