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Biryukov, Alex Bissias, George Dean Blaze, Matt Blond, Stevens Le Blythe, Jim Bocovich, Cecylia Böhme, Rainer Boneh, Dan Bonneau, Joseph Borisov, Nikita Borning, Mark Bortz, Andrew Boucher, Philippe Boudec, Jean-Yves Le Boukerche, A. Brands, Stefan Breault, Arlo Brewer, Eric Briesemeister, Linda Brown, Ian Brown, Zach Brubaker, Chad Bucicoiu, Mihai Burnett, Sam Bursztein, Elie Büschkes, Roland Caballero, Juan Caesar, Matthew Cai, Xiang Caine, Kelly Caldwell, William Camenisch, Jan...
American Journal of Public Health . 110 (9): 1253. doi : 10.2105/AJPH.2020.305850 . ISSN 0090-0036 . PMC 7427243 . PMID 32614647 . ^ Mercer, Joyce Ann (August 7, 2020). "#BlackLivesMatter in Religious Education: The REA Statement on the Murder of George Floyd" . Religious Education . 115 (4): 379–383. doi : 10.1080/00344087.2020.1790724 .
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McQuade is a graduate of the University of Michigan and its law school. She and her husband live in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and have four children.s an assistant professor of English at Emory University with a courtesy appointment in quantitative theory and methods.
Anupa moderated and posted in the Debian Administrator group in LinkedIn. 09 December, 2024 12:00AM by Anupa Ann Joseph, Stefano Rivera December 08, 2024 Dirk Eddelbuettel pinp 0.0.11 on CRAN: Maintenance A new version of our pinp package arrived on CRAN today, and is the first release in four years.
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Finance Impressions From DEF CON 24: The Machines Are Rising Paul Ionescu, SecurityIntelligence.com Def Con Has Always Been Straight, White, and Male, But It’s Finally Changing Daniel Oberhaus, Motherboard How to hack a government Roberto Baldwin, Engadget DEF CON 24: THE OFFICIAL SOUNDTRACK beatport.com You can buy lock picks, Wi-Fi hacking tools, and more at the world's biggest hacking conference Paul Szoldra, Business Insider Defcon deals: Five hacking tools for $100 or less Laura Hautala, c|net John...
Мари Мур 1253 Разрушенный Юлия Белова 1254 Над Этной розовое небо Ann Li 1255 Есть ли жизнь после льда? Кэт Синглтон 1256 Чёрные узы и Белая ложь Бриттани Стикс 1257 Аконит Эви Лин 1258 Ты доигралась, котенок Софи Ларк 1259 Тяжелая корона Osolio 1260 Оружие в его руках 2 Девни Перри 1261 Куропатка и беременность Beautiful Paradise 1262 Головокружительный вираж: Любовь на финише 18.08.2024 Вероника Франко 1263 Испанский реванш Анастасия Котова 1264 "2013" Галина Джулай 1265 Любовь это...
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Donna Gottschalk 女同性恋摄影师Donna Gottschalk将镜头对准自己、爱人和朋友,记录下了20世纪70年代横跨美国东西岸的激进女同性恋组织活动。 女性身份的礼颂 Melissa Ann Pinney 摄影师平尼在三十多年的时间里对女性身份进行探索,在她的镜头下,女性是自己生活的主人,而非男性的附属物。 灾难降临前的切尔诺贝利 Maxim Dondyuk 1986年,切尔诺贝利核电站发生核泄漏,使得当地1000平方英里的土地在未来数千年的时间内不适宜人居住。
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