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Dwarven Mystic is not wishable. [6] If the PC has received the puppy quest from the Tiny Girl, wishing for a Cute Dog and delivering it to her satisfies the quest requirement. If the PC has not received the quest, wishing for a Cute Dog may well result in one that is hostile.
There are also some annoying glitches. The walls are not perfectly smooth and there are always some tiny bumps on it, which also applies to the collision area (sometimes you can even stand perpendicularly to the wall). So, if you fell from a certain height and you touched the tiny bumps on the wall before landing on the mushrooms, you die.
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🧊➡️🐸 🏔️ They live in the coldest parts of North America. Purple Frog 💜 These funky-looking frogs have tiny eyes and spend almost all their lives underground. 🌧️ They only come out for two weeks a year—to find love! ❤️ Panamanian Golden Frog 🌟 Considered a symbol of good luck, this frog waves at its friends instead of croaking!