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Although these people pass by the grates and manholes that lead to the tunnels every day, few realize what lies beneath. The steam pipes in the tunnels originate at the power plant in the corner of campus and connect to most of the buildings on campus.
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dotfiles OpenBSD configuration files git clone https://www.anthes.is/src/dotfiles/.git Log | Files | Refs | README commit 9f3be661be3f2d84d7bf8c4ad99f442e78c4eb7b parent 4869930111d4a1170d58d8bb86cdf83193a25f0a Author: Ashlen < [email protected] > Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2023 03:41:25 -0700 just use the xrender backend Diffstat: M .config/picom/picom.conf | 17 + ---------------- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 16 deletions(-) diff --git a/ .config/picom/picom.conf b/ .config/picom/picom.conf...
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These 3-5 days have passed. Situation got worse. The only constant is the approach. What we don’t have for a normal model: - reliable information on the events in the Russian regions - reliable data on the real state of the army units - reliable data on the military prospects of the operation.
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