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Yeah, he's a local city councilman, and basically, you don't have to play the video quite yet, but basically on Monday, July 2nd, the city council met and they entertained a new ordinance called a hate crime ordinance, and it's part and parcel.
This means that loading an embedded video from within a blog could enable the video hosting site (and, in some cases, its advertising partners) to compile a history of which blog entries you were reading and when — even if you didn't try to play the video .
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Unfortunately, I have to use the old flv codec because of the patents etc.... bla But to compensate that the bitrate is a bit higher to get the same quality. The idea is that I want to stream music video clips. I like to listing to music, and some video clips are awesome... So now I can watch them over and over :). Also at work. When you go the pagem you get a list of songs.