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The URL has been copied to your clipboard Share on Facebook Share on Twitter No media source currently available 0:00 0:27:29 0:00 Direct link 128 kbps | MP3 64 kbps | MP3 How big a deal is Kyiv's incursion into the Kursk region? What are Ukraine's goals? And what are the ramifications for Russia? This week, host Steve Gutterman discusses these issues with Oleg Ignatov, a senior analyst for Russia at the International Crisis Group.
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By Nathaniel Rich How Tom Sandoval Became the Most Hated Man in America He turned last year’s season of ‘Vanderpump Rules’ into the best in reality TV’s history — and ruined his life in the process. By Irina Aleksander The Great Freight-Train Heists of the 21st Century The explosion of the e-commerce economy has created an opportunity for thieves — and a conundrum for the railways.
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