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Opposing the Rise of the Far-right — Rui Preti Feb 7, 2022 7 pp. The Right Hand of Occupy Wall Street — Spencer Sunshine Nov 26, 2023 22 pp. Random | RSS feed | Titles | Authors | Topics | Latest entries | Mobile | Add a new text theanarchistlibrary.org Ⓐ anarchistnews.org
We must therefore vote to abolish, the right of inheritance. We have been much spoken to of practice. Well, it is in the name of practice that I urge you to vote to abolish the right of inheritance.
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În căutarea unui trai mai bun Potrivit unui alt raport, realizat de Consiliul Național de Inteligență al Statelor Unite, peste două treimi din emigranții din 2019 au părăsit țări cu venituri medii și peste jumătate au migrat spre țări cu venituri mari în căutarea a unor salarii mai mari și pentru a trimite o parte din câștiguri înapoi în țara de origine.
The centre right has not been without its own problems. The Social Democratic Party, which dominates the Democratic Alliance, has been implicated in a regional scandal in Madeira.
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Max image dimensions are 15000 x 15000. You may upload 5 per post. THE RULES Is It Wet Yet? File: e7f58cb8856b2b9⋯.jpg (51.04 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, pic.jpg ) Trump Announces Plan to 'Reclaim the Right to Free Speech' If Elected in 2024 Antony   ## Reporter 12/16/22 (Fri) 00:17:34 2ea8bf   No. 300617 By: Spencer Brown https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown The 45th president — who is now seeking to be the 47th...
“After all those reports on the threat of right-wing violence, any new case with a tenuous link to the alt-right or the Aryan Brotherhood seems like part of a trend meriting wall-to-wall coverage.
Obviously doesn't have to be some 'trust them with your life' stuff, but a classic liberal (lolbert) will often side with an anarchist over a nazi. Here's a documentary report with a section of the US antifascist Redneck Revolt networking with the lolbert militia American Pit Vipers, who were shocked :0 :0 :0 to see neo-Nazis and other racist neofash filling the Unite the Right rally....
This diagnosis was also convenient, as it supported Emmanuel Macron's decision not to give the Left a chance to form a government after the parliamentary elections in July. And this view of a right-leaning country seems to have been confirmed by the changes that have taken place in France's electoral landscape since the end of François Hollande's presidency in 2017.
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It also ensures that companies are held to public promises they make about data protection and gives the Federal Trade Commission the authority to hold them to account if they break those promises. The bill also lets people take on companies that violate their privacy with a strong private right of action .
Revival's targeting of NGOs and individuals who receive any funding comes after a recent legislative success that shocked much of the country's civil society. The far-right party, which often amplifies pro-Kremlin narratives and has demanded that Bulgaria exit NATO, spearheaded efforts in Bulgaria's National Assembly, the country's unicameral parliament, to pass controversial legislation to ban "gay propaganda" in schools, despite street...
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They do not know who they want to lead them, largely because they do not agree about what they now stand for. Unable even to unite their own party, the Conservatives are in no position to unite the country either. Rishi Sunak remains the frontrunner to be one of the two names that will be put to party members at the end of next week, but his 101 votes leave him a long way short of being...
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